Friday, 8 October 2021

Stepping forward - How to start a Research

As I said in my first blog on ScholarX, I will talk about how to start researching. Again I will remind you about my mentor Prof. Arosha Bandara. He is a Professor of Software Engineering at the Open University, UK. 


From the beginning, we discussed researching as this is a topic totally new to me. So in this second blog, I am going to continue what I am learning about how to approach research. So from the last blog, I told you there are things we should consider before starting research. Finding a suitable research topic is the hardest part. I will tell you about what my mentor and I discussed about finding a good research topic. 

from Weave Asia

First, we need to check what is our interest really lies on. Any area you are truly passionate about, then it will be a good choice for a potential research area. There are shortcomings in this too. There may be some areas you are really passionate about but finding data regarding those areas is very tough. So you need to carefully overcome this situation. 

For example, In research related to AI/ML, then it is better if you can choose a topic where you can find many datasets. 

Then after selecting an area, then look at what people have already done in that area. Read more research papers related to that area. Reading makes you understand how they have approached the problem and how the solution is developed. Now you may have a question "how to find a good research paper to read?". I will take you through that topic in my next blog post.

After doing these two steps you'll find a perfect question where there is a better chance it will be a good one to investigate as your research. Also, they may be an answer you'll going to implement to succeed in the research. 

Then you can meet a mentor who is already working in that research field and discuss with him/her your idea to understand whether it is possible or not.

I will take you through furthermore about researching in the next blog!!!

TIME MANAGEMENT- Pomodoro Technique

I will tell you another amazing technique I learned from the professor recently, It is a time management method called Pomodoro. 


In Pomodoro, you have to create a list of tasks of the day. Then you have to work for 25min then take a 5min break. then do it four times and get a 20min break. It is called one Pomodoro cycle. I tried this for two weeks now, I think it really helps to reduce time wastage and it helps to a very productive and focused learning for 25minutes time slots. Try it you'll use your time in a more productive way. This a quite an amazing technique where you can spend your time very productive way. 

Till the next blog stay safe and healthy!!!

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