Saturday, 19 June 2021

New Valuable Connection

People will come and go through your life journey. But I am not going to talk about it in this blog. But I like to take you to a new connection I have got through the ScholarX program and How our first meeting happened. 

SEF- Sustainable Education Foundation

Path to ScholarX

I was lucky enough to get selected for ScholarX2021 by Sustainable Education Foundation. Last year also I applied but did not have the chance to get selected. And also a happy thing which happened last year was, two of my friends from different universities got selected for this program. So I learned a lot from them about this program and this year I again applied to this program. So if you were not got selected, apply next time with faith and put some commitment to fill the form. You will definitely succeed like me.

Mail sent by SEF

Then on April 26th, a mail came saying ScholarX 2021 - We Have A Match!. I was so happy and checked on my mentor. My mentor was Prof.Arosha Bandara who was working as a Professor in Software Engineering at the Open University of UK. 

A bit about Prof.Arosha

You can get more information on Prof.Arosha and other mentors of class 2021 ScholarX by SEF official website. SEF-ScholarX

Then we had our first meeting on 11th May. Prof.Arosha is genuine and a kind-hearted person First we introduced ourselves. He told his life story from childhood and how he settled down in the UK. Also his educational background and how he ended up being a Professor in Software Engineering. Then he identifies my interests and passions in the Software Engineering field. He guided me through researching. I'll include a few points we talked about researching on day 01 and I will get you too deep of it on my second ScholarX blog.

Summary of Researching
  • Aspects we need to look at before we going to do a research
  • Background check up (What people have previously done)
  • Nature of Problem
  • Validations/Evaluations
Happy Reading and Stay Safe!!!

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