Here, I want to give nocives an idea about Angular. Favourite in my life blog is always focused in things that matters my life. Angular mattersππππ!!!
Angular is a Typescript based frontend framework design by Google. Now version 10 released and 11 is waiting to come. Previously it was named as AngularJS but now it is Angular along with its version.
Initially it was released on 14th september 2016 and went viral. But these days the popularity has bit change because VueJs came to scene. Vue also good.π
Now there is Stackblitz which is an online development environment for Angular. It very easy to find bug, share code with other developers. Try using it even for a once.
In an angular project, it consists of components, services and modules. So getting understand on those will help you to understand how an angular project will works.
Component-Every angular project consists at least one component. you can easily create a component by typing below code in cmd/git bash/powershell,
ng generate component NameOfTheComponent
For the navigation among web pages we use routing which is a concept in Angular.
Service can be create by
ng genarate service NameOfTheService
Module can be created by
ng generate module NameOfTheModule
This is only a little facts about Angular. Learning by your own will be more and exciting. More falls will help you stand right straight. Gain Experiences by faults.
Happy Coding!!!